Search Results
Multi messenger studies of the Local Group of galaxies (Elena Maria Rossi, Leiden U.)
Elena Maria Rossi: Hyperaccretion
Kacprzak T. (ETHZ): Large Scale Structure Cosmology with Artificial Intelligence
Senatore L.: Recent applications of the Effective Field Theory of Large-Scale Structure to data
New perspectives on the hydrodynamics of astrophysical discs (Gordon Ogilvie, Cambridge U.)
Schmidt F. (MPA): New approaches to galaxy clustering
Nonlinear Dynamics of Distorted Astrophysical Discs: Warps and All - Callum W. Fairbairn
[Theor. Astro. 17/10/2022] 1: Lectures overview
Saul Teukolsky - The Coming Revolution in Computational Astrophysics (November 3, 2021)